- विभिन्न संकाय, तह र वर्षको मौका परीक्षाको फारम भर्ने सुचना
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- Call for Proposals Mini Research
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- अन्तिम मतदाता नामावली प्रकाशन सम्बन्धि सुचना !!!
- द्रब्यशाह बहुमुखी क्याम्पस गोरखाको संचालक समितिको अध्यक्षमा शितल काजी मास्के चयन !!!
- द्रव्यशाह बहुमुखी क्याम्पस गोरखामा जेनिस व्हिपल क्याम्पस विकास कोष स्थापना !!!
Our Programs
Accredited by University Grants Commission(UGC), Nepal-2022

Welcome to DMC
Drabya Shah Multiple Campus (DMC) is established in 1985 AD under the affiliation of Tribhuvan University as a community based nonprofit oriented, non-governmental intuition. It is committed to impart quality in higher education in Gorkha district. This campus is managed by a team of representatives from various sectors of the community. DMC collaborates with Tribnuvan University, University Grants Commission, Provincial and Local Government, academic institutions and various GOs and NGOs.
Being the first community based campus in the district, it is playing leading role in the higher education of the region since its inception. Thousands of qualified graduates of the campus are working in various sectors both inside and outside the country. The campus has frequently extended and modified its programs to meet the changing needs of the community. Currently, the campus has run three programs (BA, B. Ed, and BBS) at bachelor’s and two programs (MA and MBS) at master’s degrees.
Drabya Shah Multiple Campus has successfully completed Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) process. University Grants Commission accredited Drabya Shah Multiple Campus on 13 July, 2022. The campus is dedicated to achieve academic excellence in higher education by collaborating with the stakeholders.

Shital Kaji Maskey
Our aim is to educate and equip the students to be globally competitive and responsible citizen. Winners are what we produce at DMC. I request you to come with faith and confidence to work with dedicated and committed faculties. If you want to know, whether DMC suit you, we will be happy to welcome you at DMC to experience personally.
As a chair of Drabya Shah Multiple Campus (DMC), a QAA certified campus under the affiliation of Tribhuwan University, (TU), I am pleased to welcome you all in our campus. We believe students succeed when they are willing to assume responsibility for their own learning. I am honored to strengthen the legacy of our continued success, celebrating the 38 years of glory of our college.

Ekadev Adhikari
Campus Chief
Welcome to Drabya Shah Multiple Campus (DMC). Established in 1985 A.D., we’ve been dedicated to providing quality higher education in the Gorkha district of Nepal. Affiliated with Tribhuvan University, DMC is proud to offer a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs including BBS, BA, B.Ed., MBS, and MA in Nepali. Our goal is to nurture well-rounded individuals equipped with both knowledge and professional skills. Over the years, we have successfully produced numerous qualified graduates who have made significant contributions to various sectors, both locally and internationally. In our pursuit of excellence, DMC has implemented systematic reforms to enhance our operations. We have formulated and regularly updated institutional plans and policies to ensure the fulfillment of our responsibilities. I am delighted to announce that on 13th July 2022, DMC received accreditation from the University Grants Commission, Nepal, a testament to our unwavering commitment to maintaining high educational standards. As we move forward, let us continue to work together to uphold the legacy of academic excellence that defines Drabya Shah Multiple Campus. I encourage all members of our institution and community to remain dedicated to their studies and endeavors, knowing that each contribution plays a vital role in shaping the future. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to DMC. Together, we will continue to make a positive impact on society through education.
I look forward to meeting you.
Mission and Vision
The vision of Drabya Shah Multiple Campus is to be developed as a “Center of Academic Excellence” in higher education by transforming it into a sustainable institution of higher education with the provision of quality education. To evolve as a center of academic excellence, DMC has a mission to launch demand-based educational programs in various disciplines and promote research-based teaching-learning processes to ensure quality education on campus.
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QAA Journey of DMC
To translate the campus’s vision of being Center for Excellence in Higher education, DMC participated in Quality Assurance and Accreditation program in 2012. DMC decided to participate in the QAA process on 5 July 2012 and submitted the letter of interest (LOI) on 8 July, 2012. Then, University Grants Commission (UGC) approved the eligibility of DMC in QAA on 8 July 2012 and conducted orientation cum Workshop to facilitate the Self Study Report preparation on 12-13 August 2012. DMC formed Self-Assessment Team (SAT) on 16 August. 2012. SAT started to write Self Study Report plan, 24 August 2012 on the following criteria.
The preparation of Self Study Report (SSR) identified gaps in the campus. The campus revised organization structure and updated policies and plans of the campus to fulfil those gaps. The campus implemented those plans and SAT documented the improvement initiatives of the campus.
DMC submitted the first Draft of SSR to the University Grants Commission on 30th, December 2013. The campus revised the SSR and submitted it on September 3, 2016. The Revised SSR and additional annex were submitted on April 24, 2017. Coordinator Prof. Dr. Shiba Kumar Rai and Planning and Monitoring Officer Mr. Dipesh Singh visited DMC for preparation for Peer Review Team’s Visit on February 22 -25, 2019 and made some recommendations. After the pre assessment visit, the campus accelerated the improvement initiatives. The responses to the recommendation of the pre-assessment visit were submitted on 13 January 2020. The outbreak of Covid -19 delayed the assessment visit of the Peer Review Team. A five member PRT led by Prof. Dr Shiba Kumar Rai conducted assessment visit of the PRT from 29 November to 1 December 2020. Responses to the recommendations of the PRT Assessment Visit were submitted on 6 October 2021. Revised responses were submitted on 6 January 2022. PRT Conducted Follow up visit from 4-6 April 2022. DMC submitted the Responses to the Follow up visit on 2 May 2022. University Grants Commission accredited the campus on 13 July 2022.